Vm ubuntu 20.04
Vm ubuntu 20.04

vm ubuntu 20.04 vm ubuntu 20.04 vm ubuntu 20.04

Deploy the VM as outlined in the original document choosing the 20.04 version instead. I’ve spent a lot of time getting pass-through sound working in 20.04. PulseAudio requires an enhanced XRDP session to work. When you connect to it from the Hyper-V manager you are directly viewing the machine’s console. The 20.04 edition of Ubuntu is not running XRDP (Linux RDP Server) by default. I believe most of the people that have issues are choosing the 20.04 version of Ubuntu when deploying their Hyper-V VM. It has been brought to my attention that the instructions do not work for everyone. In a previous article I explained how to use PulseAudio with XRDP to allow your Ubuntu Hyper-V VM to pass audio through your host machine’s sound system.

Vm ubuntu 20.04